Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Being Thankful

With tomorrow being Thanksgiving I have put a ton of thought into being thankful for what we have and realizing through all the crap I have it pretty damn good.

I am so thankful for all of this:

I have a wonderful husband that loves me no matter what. He met me when I was terribly sick from Crohn's and dealt with the restrictions even though that was not something he had planned. He sat we me over and over in my many visits/stays at the hospital; when the dreaded ostomy surgery was bought up he gave me his opinion but backed away because I needed to chose for me and when I came home from the ostomy surgery with a horrible body image because of my "new plumbing" he could not have cared less

I have wonderful parents and would not trade them for the world. Although in my teenage years I would not have said this, I was a nasty teenager and realized later that they are the best. Actually it was during my very first surgery in 1996. I was admitted in the hospital as an emergency with 3 abscesses in my intestines and a C. diff infection, I was very very sick at the time, my stay was a total of 16 days. I ended up having my first Crohn's surgery 6 days after I was admitted and about 2 nights later (still in the hospital) I was up at 2:00 am vomiting (and trust me until you vomited with 65 staples in your abdomen you have not lived) and in extreme pain. I called my mother crying and when she answered the phone I realized in my head it was 2 am and she was sleeping. I said to her (still crying) that I was very sick and in a ton of pain but I would let her go back to sleep, she said to me (in her very sleepy voice) "No no I am up now, you are my daughter and I would talk to you whenever, wherever and no matter how long if you need me" I realized in the crazy night no one has your back more than you parents, no one ever. We never fought one day since and we are best friends now

Oh Ryan, I could not be more thankful for him. He is my baby that 4 doctors told me I would not conceive, 14 weeks of bed rest for pre-term labor, gestational diabetes (4 shots of insulin daily), pregnancy induced hypertension, failed induction after 12 hours of labor and manual dilation AND Ryan's heartbeat in the 50's which lead to an emergency C-section. Man that all stressed me out! He is good "like crazy ,what child is this good" good. He is the most caring toddler, now preschooler I know, he is smart way beyond his years and he loves loves loves me. Yes I am obsessed and hope he feels the same for me forever.

My job, I am so damn lucky. I went to college for Medical Technology and worked in Hacken sack University Medical Center for 3 years when Crohn's had another idea. Working in a hospital lab is next to impossible when you have Crohn's so I left it and went into the "family business" of buses. Thank god for those yellow school buses because 20 years later here I am. I am in a wonderful school district with a very easy to work for boss and I am close to home and have rocking benefits, what more could one girl need

My extended family near and far, Peter's family, my friends since I was in school or since I left, my internet friends and even some of them who are not my friends anymore, my doctors (all of them) brilliant knowledge and skill, my past relationships, the people who have passed before me (I miss you terribly, especially you CC) the food on my table, the money in my pocket and the roof over my head.

I am so very, very thankful

Every moment makes an impression that molds me to what I am and who I have become

I am very blessed

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