Thursday, January 27, 2011


I am going to say it right up front this is a total brag post so if you feel weird about that I warned you. You know its something we generally do not get to do in life, its just not acceptable to toot your own horn all the time.

I am home today its another snow day in NJ, Ryan is here with me. As I type this he is on the internet on the laptop Peter set up for him.

I was just sort of daydreaming thinking about the fact that he was on the computer running the mouse and navigating though the Playhouse Disney page and realizing his smarts, it really blows me away

Now maybe this is totally normal knowledge for a child who will turn 4 in a month but I have been told he is way ahead of his peers.

This child knows all his colors and shapes including things like octagon, trapezoid and pentagon, he knew all of these by 18 months. I actually have a video of him at 18 months doing the shape sorter saying all the shapes and placing them in the sorter like nothing. At one point you see him say "It's on the red side" and he looks and turns it right to the red side.

He currently can count to 100, he knows all his letters capital and lowercase and can identify them. He knows the sounds each letter makes and can give you an accurate list of words that start with that letter. He has been doing this for minimally a year already if not more.

He recently, I would say in the last 4 months starting to be able to write. He can write his name and all the capital letters. He understand opposites and rhyming for years, he can spell many words and can even read, maybe 10 words

His vocabulary is insanely large, he was a very early talker and always ahead in this area. I took him for a speech evaluation about a year ago because he was stuttering (which he still does off and on) and the speech therapist was so impressed with his language and the length of his sentences, she said his speech was way ahead

Peter is very smart, like one of the smartest people I ever met, he has that weird knowledge about a lot of different things he also started to read at 3. I consider myself smart but normal people smart, I think he got Peter genes,thankfully.

I think forward to the days when he will go to school, I feel like he will going to kindergarten and be like "Huh, I know this stuff already" and wonder if that is a disservice to him? We have a local private Academy school that is for students that excel you need to test to get in and be ahead of your peers. I sometimes wonder is a school like this the right road for him?

I always felt that children should be challenged and not left to conform with peers who maybe are not at an advanced level but then I wonder about placing undue stress on him too. Or is it stress at all if he is at an advanced level? OR is he advanced at all? Maybe I am just a crazy parent who thinks their child is awesome

Actually maybe I think to much about this and I just should let him be and see what happens but as his parent I want him to excel in the right place.

Ugh I think to much....LOL!

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