Friday, January 21, 2011

The Battle Of The Bulge

Why are some people predisposed to be thin and some overweight? Is it that we are predisposed at all? I am not sure

If we are not predisposed to be thin or overweight how is it then that children in the same house could have such different weighs?

My brother and I grew up in the same home with the same parents who required us to sit down to family dinner nightly. Sitting down to dinner (as many of my friends would tell you) was not an option it was what we did. So we ate the same foods and had the same set of rules for eating. The rules where we only drank milk at dinner and we always had to eat our vegetables, as far as the rest of the meal we never were made to finish it. My brother never had a weigh issue, I did. Hmmm?

How did we each learn such different views on food?
Why did I think it was OK to overindulge and he did not?
Why would I eat till it hurts and he did not?

I remember one time at Thanksgiving saying "Oh I am so full it hurts" and he said to me "Why do you do that?" Why does he not do that? Because it tastes good, hello? What is it in our head that makes us eat to much when we know we will feel like crap later.

I have been on Weight Watchers now since August 14, 2010 and to date have lost 43.6 lbs and I feel great. My health is better, I feel better and I fit better in my clothes (my new 2 size smaller clothes) but can I really change forever? I pray to God daily that I can

I fight everyday for thin, I count every point and have been eating super healthy but is there something somewhere that has to click to make a permanent change?

I was just talking to a co-worker (my size 2 co-worker) about exercise and how there are people in the world who love it and crave it and people who loath it. Are people "made" to love exercise or born? I compared my feeling for exercise by using a food analogy (of course)...I always hated tomatoes (which I love now...weird!) but I always though they looked delicious. It's the same way with exercise, I don't like it but it looks delicious. I need to change my feeling of exercise like I did tomatoes. Wonder how I do that?

Are we born to be a certain way or can we change it?

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