Monday, December 19, 2011

Reinventing the Rules for Boys

Moms of boys I decided to redo the rules. It seems like I read over and over again about how it is to have a daughter and frankly for a long time I felt I was missing something. Especially since you hear this motto of girls staying close to their moms while sons leave you once they take a wife. I pray all the time that this shows untrue and I really do love having a boy and would take more.....meanwhile here are my 20 rules of having a boy

1. Always be there, when the going gets tough let him know that mom is still his #1 fan and has his back

2. At some point no matter how much you try he will try and get in your bed, let him no matter how tired you are. Once there yes he will kick you and tackle you but heck he is only a child once

3. Sometime probably before he is 5 he will tell you he wants to marry you. Commit this to memory as someday (probably 10 more years from now) he will be saying under his breath he hates you. Repeat the marry you phase in your head over and over, walk away and keep smiling

4. Play with dirt and act like you like it, yep I rather not but he wants you too and you wont die doing it

5. Save him. Yes we want our boys to be manly boys but when they are under a certain age they need mom to save them and make them feel better. Be there shoulder ready, whenever

6. Be interested in things that interest him, its easy to say "yep" over and over when hearing about Lego's for the 17879 time but open up and be interested in it, really try!

7. He will have punk friends resist hating them and forbidding their existence. Most of them are just in the punk phase and feeling their oats, its what boys do, go with it

8. Yep you look silly making dinosaurs attack each other but they are only young one time get down on the floor and growl if that is what works

9. Tell him he is handsome as some day the girl he likes may not think so, assure him that the "best one for him" will think he is the most handsome

10. Let him know that he is smart because he works hard and tries to the best of his ability not because you want him to be smart

11. Help him understand he needs to please no one in this life but himself. Doing the right thing is an internal success and that is why he should do things

12. Kiss him every day until he will not anymore as some day they become embarrassed that mom is kissing them before they leave the house or go to school

13. Let him play in a puddle and in the mud, that is why they make washing machines and soap, no one died from dirty.

14. Make a big deal of his birthdays as there will become a time he no longer lives with you or wants to celebrate them elsewhere

15. Let him know about the day he was born, how badly he was wished for and how all the years made you feel, don't hide it

16. Someday he will be a parent, he should be thinking on that day "I want to be like my parents, they were the best"

17. Learn to trust him, as hard as this is, your lessons will come through and he will hear your voice in his head when making a decision

18. Let him know you accept him for anything he is and to never be afraid to tell you anything

19. Let him know he can always come home and you will always care for him

20. Savor each day and say I love you, as one day they are babies and before you know they leave for college and beyond. Each day is so important